Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Power of Inspiration

The power of inspiration is often taken for granted. Many times we are under the misconception that imagination is completely unreal and separated from the natural. However as Christians we are not only given power and authority over the natural and tangible things that we see, but we are visionaries. We were created to be creative, because our God who is our maker is creative. This may sound redundant and unimportant, but one of the main things that satan attacks is our imagination. He desires to destroy our mind by placing us under bondage and therefore stifling our creativity and ability to imagine. I am not talking about fairy tales and stories that are just for play, but the power of vision. Everything that you see was once invisible to the natural eye, but eventually came into existence. This is not limited to nature, but it is also connected to business ideas, architecture, paintings and drawings, books, poems, music and song...etc. God has given us the ability to imagine not just for fun but for creativity. This creativity was given to us so that we may continue to have dominion and authority. What inspires you. What causes you to imagine. As long as it lines up with the Word of God it is imperative that you hold it near and dear to your heart. My friend, what causes you to dream...a painting, a song? If you can dream it...if you can imagine can build it or have it built. Protect and nurture the things that inspire you, and you will be preserving your imagination.

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