Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Hunger & Appetite Of A Worshipper

There are times throughout the day when I develop an insatiable appetite for God's presence. It is not because of some mystical or unexplainable gifting that I have...but from a preparation to be in His will. When I go to the things that inspire me to worship, and wait in His presence, they feed my spirit, and therefore the hunger begins to develop. Like an athlete who trains with an indescribable fervor and works up an appetite after a training session, so is my hunger derived. What inspires you to get in God's presence? The last time you spent hours or minutes dancing and praying in His presence do you remember which vehicle it was that got you there? No I do not mean your actual car or truck, but what song, conversation, scripture, painting, etc. Whatever causes you to gain that not stop it. The war for the Christian believer is the fight not to be distracted from the passion that develops your appetite for spiritual things such as prayer, fasting, and reading His Word as well as of course going to church. So, what is your inspiration? What develops your hunger? Keep it close to you and guard it for dear life!

William Johnson

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