Sunday, June 29, 2008

Practical Ministry

Now I must first say that I do realize that ministry in and of itself is to be practical. What my intentions of this blog are is to point out that sometimes in ministry or serving God with our lives we can so easily skip over the importance of a thing or event perhaps because it may not seem as though it is linked to ministry. Allow me to explain it this way. I was downtown one Friday night witnessing with some brothers from my church and a very interesting thing happened. We had flyers made up with the intention to witness Christ's Salvation as well as inviting them to church. Though it was in my mind perhaps to do such, I was not sure about telling anyone about the Heartbeat For Worship Celebration. It was my cousin, who also happens to be a co-laborer in the Gospel and my church began to tell people about the Heartbeat For Worship. In my mind I was thinking "well I do not want to advertise for something I am doing, but instead to remain focused on witnessing and inviting people to church". I was thinking small and did not even realize it. After talking to a couple of guys that were playing in a drum circle one of the brothers I was with askked me if I had told them (the drummers) about the concert (which happens to be a percussion/drumming concert). I replied no because I was not sure if I should since our main goal was otherwise. He responded..."it's ministry". That was all I needed to hear for the blinders to come from off of my spiritual eyes and be convicted. Who was I to think that the Heartbeat For Worship was "my thing". Now of course I do not really feel that way, but that was the way I was indirectly acting. God placed the idea of the concert and future conference in my heart as a strategy and tool to reach the lost and inspire believers. If it was God then, then at also means that since my church is endorsing it it is fruit from the church. It in no way competed with what we were doing but granted it was an extra tool in the toobox to do ministry for us that night. Sometimes we forget that the very details and fine makeup of our character and event the major events of our life can not only be used by God to do ministry, but also may be ordained to do such. This life is not our own. We are word in the earth. A message from God. That means that like Jacob God will bless the strategy that He gives to you because your heart desires to do His will. Your ministry no matter how practical or simple it may seem to the untrained and unsensitive eye is not a misnomer, mistake, or coincidental detail faction that is made up on a whim. No, as a matter of fact it may be an integral part of who you are. Whether crochet, drawing, painting, graphic design, web design, music, serving in any capacity that lines up with the Bible (the Word of God), if you are doing it because it is what you have a passion for and find yourself doing on a regular ask the Holy Spirit for *Divine Insight on how to put it in motion for the kingdom of God!


*For more on "Divine Insight" contact me for teaching lessons from Overcoming Church Ministries

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